
Les infotéliennes à l’honneur – Infotel Royaume-Uni

Les infotéliennes à l’honneur – Infotel Royaume-Uni

À l’occasion de la Journée internationale des droits des femmes, nous avons le plaisir de proposer une semaine spéciale dédiée aux témoignages et aux partages d’expériences d’infotéliennes.

Du 10 au 14 mars, découvrez des témoignages inspirants de collaboratrices du Groupe. Direction Monaco, l’Inde, le Maroc et l’Angleterre, sans oublier la France pour nos structures Infotel Conseil et OAIO ! Ces infotéliennes partageront leur parcours, leur vision de la place des femmes dans l’IT et leur quotidien.

Cette semaine s’inscrit dans nos engagements pour une plus grande égalité professionnelle.

Nous sommes fiers d’afficher une note de 89/100 à l’Index d’égalité professionnelle et de mener des actions concrètes :
✔️ Une communauté interne, Infot’elles, engagée, dédiée à l’inclusion et à l’égalité.
✔️ Des sensibilisations régulières pour lutter contre les stéréotypes et promouvoir la mixité dans nos métiers.
✔️L’adhésion à différentes associations et des actions menées conjointement.
✔️ Des initiatives concrètes pour accompagner les carrières de toutes et tous.

Nous espérons que cette semaine sera l’occasion de réfléchir ensemble aux défis à relever et de valoriser les parcours des femmes qui contribuent chaque jour à notre réussite.

Direction l’Angleterre pour découvrir 3 collaboratrices qui partagent leur parcours, leur vision de la place des femmes dans l’IT et leur quotidien en mission.


During my lifetime I was the person who organised events no matter how big or small, made sure things were completed on time and always exceeded expectations. However, that was not my job, I came from a banking background, but I always wanted more. I made the decision to do just that!

Once I attained my Masters in Project Management, I was proud, but knew I had so much more to learn in the real world.

Doors opened for me, and I’ve learned a lot from many different people, on bad days I learned lessons,on good days I learned positiveness and everyday learning something new, I pushed to excel in my chosen career.  I met many motivational people along the way who were always positive about me and helped me succeed and I thank them for the skills and knowledge I now have.

When a project is complete, I feel a sense of great pride at what we have achieved, and whenever I can, I help others to grow and expand their knowledge to become the best they can too. I don’t just manage projects, in my spare time, for the last 10 years I’ve also ran (voluntary) a charity in which I use my knowledge and expertise to raise awareness and funds for Muscular Dystrophy UK.

The best move I’ve made was accepting a post at Infotel, it has allowed me to grow and turn my passion into my profession whilst achieving amazing results and making a difference, empowering me to continue in the forever evolving IT sector.



I started my journey in IT many years ago in the civil service. I joined a large scale delivery programme as a Business Analyst, I moved in to testing before being promoted to an Implementation manager role. I really enjoyed the project environment and vibe, using my knowledge to support a new and innovative system, so rather than going back to the business at the end of the project I moved away from the civil service to find more opportunities to get that same buzz.

From defining requirements, to travelling the country to support local authorities and housing associations with complex system configuration, training and implementation I’ve loved being part of making things better. With positions in large, national companies I have delivered systems and processes that support teams and deliver real benefits for organisations.

When I wanted to give up my travels, I found a role in a large automotive organisation. Again I achieved promotion early on and came to manage a large, geographically diverse live service support team. That was a revelation, experiencing the of skill, commitment and discipline it takes to support business critical applications was a real eye opener for me. I loved it! Re-organisation and redundancy ended that part of my journey.

I reached out to Infotel and was offered a Project Management role. Another revelation and a real opportunity to exercise my skills at a whole other level, whilst learning new ones. I’ve gained a different mindset here, been able to use my abilities and also had to stretch them. In IT Project Management, I have found my groove. Having relative autonomy, I am in a position to make a difference to my customers and guide a team towards delivering excellence. In a small consultancy, everyone pitches in. There are opportunities to get involved in tasks outside of the normal day job. It’s a bustling enterprise, with an atmosphere I’ve not experience before in my career.



My first job out of university was working for a female entrepreneur in my home town, who had developed an app for SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) children to support their reading and writing. She created, designed and funded the app from scratch and I couldn’t have been more proud to be her first and only employee.

From there, I moved into roles where I was often the sole woman on male-dominated teams. This experience highlighted the need for greater female representation in tech. Joining Infotel UK was a turning point. For the first time, I saw significant female leadership. It reinforced the importance of diverse perspectives at the top.

I’m from a family of six sisters and I have a young niece, so I understand the importance of setting an example. Kindness and resilience are key. I hope to show young women that they can achieve anything, regardless of being the only woman in the room.

Early in my career, I hesitated to pursue senior roles due to the lack of female role models. I want to change that. For International Women’s Day 2025, I aim to continue being the change I wanted to see.

This is the perfect time to celebrate progress, but acknowledge the work ahead. We’ll always strive to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and create an inclusive tech industry where every woman feels empowered to thrive.


Les infotéliennes à l'honneur - Infotel Royaume-Uni